Frequently Asked Questions

Please find below a list of questions we are frequently asked:

Millions of people search for businesses everyday using directories. Your business data will be made available to all potential customers.
Keeping your business details up to date means that potential customers can find you easily. Making sure the information is correct maximises your business exposure in directories and on the internet.
There is a chance that the telephone number, address or line of business displayed will be incorrect meaning that potential customers may not be able to find you when searching for your business or a business providing the same goods or services as yours. Also your listings could be removed as we need to avoid, as much as possible, displaying out of date information.
You can claim your listing by clicking here or login here to manage your listings.
Once we have verified that the changes are correct we update our records. We supply the information to each individual website on either a daily or a monthly basis, they then need to update their live system. This means it can be anything from a few days to 6 weeks before the information on a website is changed.
The details submitted will be reviewed by one of our team, we will then call you in the next few days on the number provided to confirm your business listing. Once your business details are confirmed, the details will be distributed.